Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NLvArrayThe top level namespace
 NarrayManipulationContains functions for operating on a contiguous array of values
 NbufferManipulationContains template functions for performing common operations on buffers
 NindexingContains functions to aid in multidimensional indexing
 NinputContains functions for filling array objects from strings
 NmathContains protable wrappers around cmath functions and some cuda specific functions
 NpythonContains all the Python code
 NsortedArrayManipulationContains functions for operating on a contiguous sorted unique array of values
 NsystemContains functions that interact with the system or runtime environment
 NtensorOpsContains operations for operating on compile time sized vectors and matrices
 NtypeManipulationContains templates for manipulating types
 NtotalviewContains functions that are used by the implementation of the totalview c++ view for data inspection within totalview